East Riding Double Work Force To Tackle Potholes

Together with most of the UK, the East Riding has had its share of rain during 2012, what is now confirmed to be the second wettest year since records began in 1910.

Water can damage the highway network in numerous ways such as freezing and expanding within small cracks, being forced up by groundwater pressure from below or softening aggregates, which form the foundations; all contribute to the formation of potholes in footways and carriageways.

The movement of traffic on older road surfaces can lead to minor surface cracking and the occasional pothole which let water in, especially in winter.

Last year saw prolonged and heavy downpours resulting in water ingress into the carriageway. During freezing spells, the water is turned to ice, which expands to break down bonds in the tarmac layers and open up the cracks to form potholes.

Since the beginning of January, the council has doubled the number of pothole response teams to eight and the level of inspections by the council on its most important routes has also been increased to identify those areas in need of most attention. This is in addition to the council’s recent response to property flooding in the village of Burton Fleming, near Bridlington, and several other villages across the authority.

Nigel Leighton, director of environment and neighbourhood services at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “The infrastructure of the East Riding is a top priority for the council, with the highway network being vital for the local economy and the travelling public.

“The council is responsible for the maintenance of around 3,500 km of highway network and while the authority takes a pro-active approach to the upkeep of its highways, through extensive surface dressing programmes, responds to hundreds of reports of potholes every year.

“Residents can report potholes to the council via the website or by calling the highways customer care line.”

It is anticipated that potholes will continue to be reported and repaired for the next two to three months and will depend largely on prevailing weather conditions. The council would urge the travelling public to remain vigilant, particularly on more rural roads and when faced with additional hazards in winter conditions.

The council, with the help of continuing inspections, will continue to work towards an effective programme of permanent repairs and resurfacing during the coming months and as weather conditions improve.

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. Perhaps the council should assign the Beverley traffic wardens, who are upsetting everyon(visitors and locals alike) with their over zealous issuing of tickets, to do something useful like this.

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