Police Camera Action: Policing In Beverley

Today a chap who had been approached by Humberside Police officers decided that he would much rather discuss his issue not in a quiet corner, but with other people present in case any kind of acts of police brutality took place.

Stood outside County Hall along side three ladies who were there protesting we all got witness the police in action first hand. It was like one of those situations you have seen a million times on those Police Camera Action shows.

What was going on I do not really know though I was quite happy to have a police woman between me and him as he was a tad upset and also smelt a like he may have had a drink.

So four of us got a ring side seat and could watch how the Police would deal with this guy. The way he was going on I thought they would call in backup and jump on him then bundle him into a van, but they didn’t.

Instead, they talked; he did not listen; they talked some more still he did not appear to listen. Now I am thinking they will surely take him away. A van will come screeching around the corner any minute.

No, the police carried on talking being really polite trying to explain they were giving him some sort of ticket. However, he still would not listen so the process went on and on until finally he got the message and was free to go, and thankfully so were we.

Police Camera Action:  Policing In Beverley

Police Camera Action:  Policing In Beverley

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