Learn More About Foster Caring At The Tickton Grange Hotel

Have you ever thought about becoming a foster carer? That will be the message at an information event being held in the East Riding later this month.

Potential foster carers are being invited along to the event at Tickton Grange Hotel at Tickton, near Beverley on Monday January 28.

They will have an opportunity to talk to existing foster carers, looked after children, social workers and East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s specialist training team, to ask any questions they may have.

There will also be a presentation by the fostering team.

Dave Glenville, fostering team leader, said: “Anyone who is interested in becoming a foster parent is welcome to come along.

“It’s a great opportunity to chat to people who have been involved in all aspects of fostering, both as carers and as fostered children.

“Almost anyone can apply to be a foster carer, but as with any career, some people will be more suited to it than others. Key qualities include being a great listener, having a good sense of humour, being optimistic, having your feet firmly on the ground and showing resilience.

The fostering team is looking for foster carers for children of all ages from birth upwards, and is particularly keen to find suitable carers for older children and teenagers.

The event at Tickton Grange starts at 6pm. Those attending are asked to arrive by 5.45pm.

To find out more or to book a place, please ring 01482 396673.

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