Two Orienteering Opportunities in Eight Days

Humberside and Lincolnshire Orienteers (HALO) are organising Orienteering events on successive Saturdays this month.

The first is at The Humber Bridge Country Park on Saturday February 16th. The action then moves a few miles north on the following Saturday (February 23rd) to Beverley Westwood.

This is a rearranged event caused by the heavy snow in January.

The Saturday events are aimed at beginners to the sport but always include a technical course for the more able. There will be four courses as normal: White (junior beginners); Yellow (improving juniors); Orange (adult beginners and experienced juniors) and Technical (experienced Orienteers). Starts can be anytime between 1pm and 3pm

Entry fees are £3 for adults and £1.50 for juniors. This includes free hire of the chips which are used for the electronic timing of the event. Harder courses can be attempted for no extra charge after successful completion of the easier courses. Individuals and families are welcome.

Registration, Start and Finish for the Humber Bridge Country Park event are best accessed from the foreshore entrance, parking at the Black Mill car park.

The former quarry area provides a good technical challenge for experienced Orienteers as well as being very suitable for newcomers with a good path network.

The shortest course will also be appropriate for push chairs and wheel chairs. Recent rains has resulted in some localised flooding in the Country Park, but there is still scope for challenging courses.

Registration, Start and Finish for the Beverley Westwood event will be close to the car parking area at the junction of York and Newbald Roads. (Near the ice-cream/burger van). The Westwood is always a popular location for Orienteering.

The March Orienteering event in East Yorkshire will be at Hull’s East Park on Saturday March 16th. HALO also organise events in Northern Lincolnshire, full details can be found on the HALO web-site (

Further information is also available by emailing

HALO also runs a weekly club night at Beverley Longcroft School on Mondays (6:30pm to 8:00pm) during term-time. New members always welcome. (Details available from email and web-site contacts as above).

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