For millions of people worldwide, finding an effective weight loss programme is nothing short of frustrating.
Diets, fasting, high-protein, low-carb, calorie counting and January purges all rank high on the list of failed methods for shifting a pound or ten.
Now, it seems, alternative therapy may have the answer.
Beverley-based therapist Granger – who specialises in gastric-band hypnosis – can claim to have helped almost 3,000 people shed 61,000lbs between them – the equivalent of more than two of the tanks pictured here.
Sheila Granger administers the therapy herself at her Molescroft surgery and has personally helped clients lose more than 2,000lbs. But she is also one of the world’s foremost gastric-band hypnotherapy trainers, passing on her techniques to hundreds of people from across the globe.
Now, after commissioning a survey of only 60 of the 700 people she has trained, has revealed the results which show the staggering success of her work.
Shelia said: “I give the people wanting to lose weight the right mindset to be able to do it. Losing weight is ultimately simple, but applying the basic rules which we are all well aware of is the challenge.
“It’s quite something when you take stock of what has been achieved in the last few years, I never really had a plan for this to become as big as it has but things have really taken off and I am pleased I have been able to help so many people.
“When you see just how much weight people have lost it is staggering – I really feel like I am winning the war on weight.”
Results show total aggregate weight loss is 59,315 lbs (26,905kg or 4,236st) – which works out at an average of 21lbs per client.
Adding Shelia’s 2,000 lbs weight loss from 2012, the overall total comes to 61,315lbs lost almost 30 tonnes. And the Abbott Self Propelled Gun (SPG) is pictured with weights 16 tonnes.
Along with the obvious benefits of the weight loss, the survey has revealed numerous other health benefits being experiences by the clients.
People have recorded reduced blood pressure and blood sugar levels, an increase in confidence, self-esteem, happiness, more enjoyment of exercise, stress reduction, loss of anxiety, sleep improvement, increased mobility, a loss of depression and in several cases, an increased libido.
“This is the reason I do what I do, the satisfaction from helping people making a lifestyle change which improves their health and makes them happier is wonderful.
“I really get a kick out of helping people and the more I start to try to quantify what I have been doing the more I see the results are tangible.
“I wish all the people who have benefited from what I try to do, both directly and indirectly, the very best for the future. The difficult part is losing weight, the really hard part is keeping it off.”
has reached out worldwide and trained more than 700 people globally, taking on clients in the USA, Canada and even as far away as Australia.
Through the virtual gastric band programme has helped many people to shed weight. Pocklington lorry driver Peter Smith – who tipped the scales at 21 stone – had serious health risks until Shelia helped turn his life around.
He said: “Thanks to this I lost nine stone and now lead a healthier life.”