Tesco And The FA Combine To Provide Free Half Term Football Coaching For Children

Tesco And The FA Combine To Provide Free Half Term Football Coaching For Children

Tesco And The FA Combine To Provide Free Half Term Football Coaching For Children

Working in partnership with the English Football Association, Tesco provide high quality, free professional football coaching to 5-11 year olds throughout England.

Last week’s half term sessions at Longcroft School were well attended and everyone appeared to have a great time.

Tesco’s local Beverley store added further support by providing fruit and drinks for the children to enjoy. Dave Ryley, the store’s Community Champion, said that he was pleased to support the events as it was a great way to promote the ‘five a day’ healthy eating message.

The next sessions will be held during the Easter holidays. Interested parents can find out more information by contacting Dave at Tesco Beverley or else book on line nearer the time at: TheFA.com/TescoSkills

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