Graham Stuart Welcomes Progress On Protecting Patient Dignity

Graham Stuart

Graham Stuart, MP for Beverley and Holderness, welcomed new figures that show mixed sex wards have finally been eradicated in East Yorkshire.

Since November 2010 the Government has been naming, shaming and fining hospitals if patients are placed in mixed-sex accommodation and across the country the number of patients being placed in mixed sex accommodation has fallen by 97 per cent.

Graham commented, “Under the Labour Government we were promised an end to mixed sex wards – an end which never came. Year after year Tony Blair and Gordon Brown failed to deliver. I am delighted that under a Conservative Health Secretary we are seeing fewer big promises but better practical delivery. Common sense management of the NHS by Conservatives means better value for money and better care for patients.

“Getting rid of mixed sex wards in East Yorkshire is a great achievement – especially if it can be maintained. When people are ill and feeling vulnerable the last thing they need is to feel like their privacy is being invaded and I’m delighted that this Government has quietly delivered dignity for patients.”


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