The stained glass of the churches of the East Riding often does not share the fame that other areas of Yorkshire enjoy, but there are some beautiful examples in this area, which deserve to be better known.
The first of this year’s Treasure House lectures is entitled Shining Lights: Exploring the Stained Glass of East Yorkshire, by Louise Hampson, on Tuesday, 5 March, at 6.30pm in the Beverley Treasure House Education room.
From tiny fragments to bold new schemes, this fascinating lecture will uncover examples and stories from medieval to modern and show how this area’s stained glass deserves to be seen in a new light.
This is the first lecture in a programme of seven that will take place at the Treasure House this year.
Lizzy Baker, senior public services officer, said: “We’ve got a really interesting variety of speakers and topics in this year’s lecture programme. Our lectures often sell out very quickly as spaces are limited, so I’d advise people wanting to come to any of our lectures to book as soon as possible.”
The other lectures this year will be:
Tuesday, 14 May, 6.30pm, Castle to Cottage: House and Home in East Yorkshire, Dr David Neave.
Tuesday, 11 June, 6.30pm, Railway Wars: The start of the railways in Yorkshire, Mike Hitches.
Thursday, 18 July, 6.30pm, Discovering the East Coast: Aristocratic Tourism in Yorkshire 1680-1832, George Sheeran.
Thursday, 5 September, 6.30pm. Jack the Ripper: The Beverley Connection, Mike Covell.
Tuesday, 29 October, 6.30pm, Dracula in Yorkshire: Bram Stoker and his Inspirations. Dr Kevin Corstophine.
Thursday, 7 November, 6.30pm, East Yorkshire Scandals, Angus Young.
Tickets can be booked online at, by visiting the archives and local studies research room desk on the ground floor of the Treasure House, or by calling our booking service on (01482) 392699/392706.
A full brochure of lectures, events, exhibitions and family activities at the Treasure House in 2013 is also now available.