Review Of Beverley Conservation Area


The Beverley Conservation Area Appraisal has now been formally adopted by the Council and minor changes to the conservation area boundary take effect from 3rd April 2013.

Pete Ashcroft, head of planning and development management for the Council, said:

“This is the final stage of a major piece of work by the Council to appraise and review its largest conservation area. The appraisal document will now be available to guide decisions on developments in and around the Conservation Area.”

“The document has been out to consultation with residents, businesses and local groups and the final document reflects the comments we have received. This comprehensive document will help protect and enhance character and importance of Beverley, which is widely recognised as one of Yorkshire’s finest historic towns.”

Copies of the document can be viewed on the Council’s website at and are available to view in the Beverley Library and the Customer Service Centre on Cross Street.

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