Minster Welcomes Special Speakers

Beverley Minster

Beverley Minster welcomes two special guests this Sunday to commemorate a truly remarkable man.

The Bishop of Beverley and the Dean of York will be preaching at services to celebrate the life of the 8th century saint who founded the church, the oldest state school in the country and the town itself.

Sunday May 12th this year is when the church will formally commemorate the death of its founder, St John of Beverley.

To mark the occasion the newly-ordained Bishop of Beverley, the Right Reverend Glyn Webster, will be preaching at the 10.30 am Communion service. The Bishop of Beverley is the Provincial Episcopal Visitor, or ‘flying bishop’, for the north of England and ministers to parishes that do not accept the ordination of women.

Despite his title the Bishop of Beverley has no formal role at Beverley Minster, and, with five female clergy in the parish, the conversations after the service will be interesting.

In contrast, at the 5.30pm service attended by Civic leaders from the East Riding the preacher will be the new Dean of York, the Very Rev Vivienne Faull, who is one of the leading female clergy in the country.

Vicar of the Minster, the Revd Jeremy Fletcher said “I am delighted that Glyn and Viv have accepted an invitation to preach this Sunday. No doubt we’ll talk about Women Bishops during the day, but we’ll be united in celebrating the life of Beverley’s founding saint. I’m looking forward to welcoming many people to hear what two leaders in today’s church have to say.”

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