‘The Power Within You’ A talk by Pamela Crane

Pam Crane

Pamela Crane, a Beverley based senior hypnotherapist will talk about the power of your thoughts and how they affect your life and what you attract into it.

Based upon The Law of Attraction, Pamela will show you techniques that will help you to change your thought patterns so that you start to attract good things into your life. (No hypnosis is used during the talk) Comment from a previous participant; ‘Since the talk, I’ve had the best week I’ve had in years and the positivity is rubbing off on people around me.’

The cost is £10 and includes refreshments. These talks are very popular and places need to be booked in advance. Please telephone Pamela on 07901 888 890 or go to www.hypnotherapist.org.uk for more information.

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