Driffield Motor Show

Driffield Motor Show

There’s a fantastic weekend to look forward to for all petrol heads at the first ever Driffield Motor Show. With great weather forecast, thousands of people are expected to visit the renowned Driffield Showground to enjoy a great family day out.

There’ll be over 20 different marques of new cars to drool over as well as Motor Clubs, Modified Vehicles, Trade Stands, Autojumblers, kiddies funfair and stage entertainment organized by Modifiedfever.

The main ring entertainment for the weekend is “The Moto-Stunts International Stunt Team” which is one of the UK’s largest car stunt display teams, and one of the few display teams to include Cars, Quads, Motorcycle stunts and specialist vehicles. You’ll even be able to be Marty McFly for a while as we’re exhibiting a “Back to the Future” DeLorean time travelling car!

Throughout the weekend there will be a licensed bar and plenty of catering for all tastes and budgets. On Saturday night, local covers band Reloaded will be performing songs from The Beatles and Kinks, to T.Rex and The Clash, up to Oasis, Blur, Arctic Monkeys and Kaiser Chiefs.in the Member’s Pavilion.

Test your driving skills in our Time trials, or enter your car into one of our competitions there is £1000 prize money to be won: Best of Show, Best Exterior, Best Interior, Best Club Stand and Spirit of the Show. If you would like to exhibit or display your car at the Motor Show please contact Nicola 01377 257494 or email nicola@driffieldshowgroundevents.co.uk.

The Showground is easy to find and well signposted on the outskirts of Driffield with plenty of free car parking and camping available on Friday and Saturday at £5 per pitch per night.

Advanced tickets are on sale priced £6 for adults and £2 for under 12’s with under 5’s free from www.driffieldshowgroundevents.co.uk.

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