Popular Author Entertains Longcroft Students

Jonathan Meres

Described as “hilarious stuff” by renowned comedian Harry Hill, the award-winning World of Norm series of books by author Jonathan Meres are in constant demand at Longcroft School’s libraries. Following the adventures and misadventures of Norm, the books are known for not only their comedy, but also the way in which young readers connect with the characters.

On Friday 17th May, Jonathan Meres paid a visit to Longcroft School, where he enraptured Year 7 students as he read exclusive exerts form his forthcoming book World of Norm: May Require Batteries, told humorous stories, recited eccentric poems and made the audience cry with laughter.

Deborah Marshall, Longcroft’s Senior Librarian, organised the visit and explained: “The World of Norm books are extremely popular with our students – hardly a day goes by without one either being borrowed or returned. It was a fantastic experience for our students to meet him and see his enthusiasm on stage. His energy was infectious, as was the laughter he created. In a world of high-tech computer games, some students still see reading as being a less entertaining option, but an author like Jonathan can change that opinion, which is why every single Year 7 student, whether they are old or new fans of his work, was given the opportunity to attend. It was clear from the reaction he got that the afternoon was a great success.”

Andrew, who attended the event, said of Jonathan: “He was extremely funny. I have read the first book and now I’m going to read the second.”

Elliot added: “I thought he was brilliant. I’d like him to come again!”

Longcroft’s Lower School Librarian, Hollie King, felt pleased that Jonathan’s visit sparked an interest in reading, even in those who are usually reluctant readers.

With a total of 13 books under his belt and further titles being published in 2013, Mr Meres proved to students that books can be creative, funny and educational all at the same time.

Ian O’Donnell, Longcroft’s Headteacher, said: “Writers like Jonathan Meres have the ability to get even the most reluctant of readers passionate about books. Once a child dips their toes into the world of reading, with the right sort of books and encouragement from school and parents, they can quickly become hooked and by doing so open up new possibilities and opportunities that will be with them for the rest of their lives. “

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