Earlsondon Morris Men Of Coventry Entertain Shoppers In Beverley

Earlsondon Morris Men Of Coventry Entertain Shoppers In Beverley

How do you know when Beverley Folk Festival is on?

You can find out by logging onto Twitter or Facebook, but the big give-away is when the men dressed in funny hats and with bells on their shoes are dancing through the streets.

MP Graham Stuart must have been kicking himself when he booked one of his regular street surgeries this Saturday in his usual spot on Tolll Gavel.

The MP had little choice but to sit back and enjoy the show as the Earlsondon Morris Men from Coventry ripped it up and did that stuff bringing hundreds of shoppers to a standstill.

Graham even commented on the entertainment saying;

“I must be getting old. I am really enjoying the Morris dancing!”

This was the first year the Earlsondon Morris Men have attended the Beverley Folk Festival, and they are loving it.

Loud, colourful and highly entertaining the Earlsondon Morris Men were a massive hit with crowd’s shoppers who were watching.
Lolly Mac who was playing in the band providing the music said;

“Beverley is a lovely place. It is really good to be part of the festival. Our job is to be here in the town and entertain people on the streets.”

You will not be able to miss these guys. I am sure they will be making some spontaneous appearances in a the pubs and bars throughout Beverley over the next couple of days.

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