On Friday 19th July, Yorkshire in Bloom judges will be visiting Beverley as part of their regional summer competition.
After gaining a ‘silver gilt’ award in 2012, members of Beverley in Bloom are hoping the judges will see something special this year and are aiming for ‘gold’.
Chairman Jim Whitfield said:
“The Yorkshire in Bloom competition is not just about how good communal floral displays look, but also it also wants to see community involvement and environmental sustainability.”
“This year we have made extra special efforts to work with more groups and organisations, including scouts and guides, residents, councillors and local businesses – Beverley is always at its best when the wider community comes together to support projects of this kind.”
In May the group organised ‘Plant-up Sunday’, which saw families join Bloom stalwarts in Station Square to plant up barrier planters, which are now located around the town, with each one labelled to say who worked on them. Beverley in Bloom also works in close partnership with Beverley Town Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
However, there are other ways the community can be involved.
Jim explained: “In the immediate run-up to judging, it would be great if residents could just pick up pieces of litter outside their homes or remove deadheads from planters they may be passing. As a voluntary group we are reliant on volunteers, so even if you can just give a few minutes to help in this way as you’re walking through town, it would be greatly appreciated.”
For 2013, plants of different coloured hues have been located in key public locations to represent a rainbow, with the hope of being awarded ‘gold’ at the end of it.
Beverley resident Pippa Riley wishes Beverley in Bloom well in the competition: “I think the volunteers all do a great job and their work makes a big difference – it would be great for their hard work to be acknowledged with a gold award. Although I’ve not been involved with them before, I will be keeping an eye out for plants that need deadheading and litter in planters. My fingers will be crossed for them when the judges visit.”
Beverley in Bloom would like to thank all residents in advance for their continued support and in the hope that everyone will play their part, whether it is great or small, as they go for ‘gold’ and help to make Beverley a blooming marvellous place.