The press up, or push up is a much ruined exercise! Ruined because at school it was used as a punishment, then obsessed about “how many can you do!” So, take the pressure off, there are many variations of this movement, the key is finding one you can do at least 8-10 repetitions of.
The press up is a great move to increase and work on stability, postural endurance and strength. You should feel the press up in your abdominals as they brace to support your position, your chest, shoulders and arms.
Holding your back and pelvis steady, without allowing your lower back to dip, or your head to poke forwards, slowly lower yourself until your arms are bent to ninety degrees then firmly push up to an arms straight position. Breathe in as you lower and out as you push.
Progress to 10-12 of the easier option, then reduce repetitions and start over with the more difficult versions, keeping eye on technique and breathing.