Longcroft School Achieve Best Ever GCSE Results

Longcroft School Achieve Best Ever GCSE Results

After months of hard work and dedication, students at Longcroft School, Beverley, celebrated the school’s best ever GCSE results on Thursday 22nd August 2013.

Mr. Ian O’Donnell, Headteacher, praised the success of students:

“Along with my colleagues, I am very proud of all our students – not only have they set a solid foundation for their future employment and further education, but they have also proven that with hard work, commitment and the support of staff and parents, they can make real and significant achievements. I am delighted for all our students and for the whole-school success of Longcroft’s best ever GCSE results.”

The results help to set Longcroft on the path to be an Outstanding School, after being officially judged to be Good by Ofsted in March 2013.

Laura Briggs, pictured above, was one of the top performers at the school, in her GSCE’s she achieved three A stars, five As along with a AS Level B. Lucie Hall is off to Wyke to study science after picking up six A Stars and a B, her friend Kyrie Hobson will return to Longcroft in the summer to do a combination of science and maths. Kyrie got an incredible eight A stars and B in her AS Level.

Mr. Jonathan Chapman, Head of Upper School, added that the occasion was a very rewarding one for all concerned:

“Along with the tensions and suspense, GCSE result’s day also comes with a lot of celebrations and smiles. It was wonderful to see students nervously open their envelopes, not knowing what grades they had been awarded, to then be filled with happiness and pride when discovering how well they had done.”

“Well done to everyone and thank you to all parents for their support!”

Students can now relax and enjoy the rest of their summer holiday, whilst preparing for the next stages of their lives at Longcroft Sixth Form, elsewhere and beyond.

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