Back To Winning Ways For The Braves

Back To Winning Ways For The Braves

Beverley’s first official game as an U16 was against Eastmoor Dragons from the Yorkshire League Division 4 in the first round of the Yorkshire Cup.

It did not take long before they dominated the game with skilful runs, offloads and strong tackles. The game was a mismatch in class with Beverley running in tries from Will Johnson (2), Joe Wardill (3) Tom Woods, Dylan Clifford, James McGahey and prop to make the half time score a very impressive 52 nil.

Undeterred Eastmoor continued to battle with immense spirit and they should be applauded for their courage as Beverley did not let their foot off the throttle. Within a matter of minutes into the second half the Braves started breaking through with some immense runs.

The power used stunned the visitors as gaps were found and tries run in from Connor Davies, (3), Clifford, James Sherwin, Harry Bulleyment, Wardill and finally Jay Black with some excellent support play. Owen Harrison kicked very well today with his trusty boot and the whistle blew to finish the game 102 – nil.

Man of the match went to Owen Harrison who is playing so well in his new position controlling the game.

Final Score: 102 Eastmoor Dragons 0 | Reported by Sue Wardill

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