Do We Rely Too Heavily On The Internet?

High-speed broadband is now available in almost three quarters of homes in the UK. It’s also available on some trains and is gradually being introduced in London’s underground stations. Norwegian Airways is the first airline to offer free on board Wi-Fi and most cafes, restaurants and even retailers have wireless internet available to customers. It’s safe to say we’re a society obsessed with the internet.

Even while in the presence of friends we’re still socialising with other people via mobile broadband and we often learn more about someone from following their Facebook activity than talking to them in person.

A recent survey by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) found that the average person uses an internet-connected device 34 times a day. Of the people surveyed, an average of two hours and 12 minutes per day using such a device. What’s more, at times people were using two or three internet-connected devices simultaneously.

But, you have to wonder what life would be like if broadband suddenly disappeared. The internet has become a part of our lifestyle and we use it in just about every facet of our being. The infographic below (made in conjunction with Virgin Media) will get you thinking about what life would be like without broadband now – clearly it would be a hard adjustment.

Do We Rely Too Heavily On The Internet?

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