Beverley-based social enterprise, Wild Cherry Training & Education, recently brought together 27 youth workers from 7 countries to explore the topic of employability and entrepreneurship in the context of European youth work.
This was made possible thanks to a generous grant from the British Council, the UK’s National Agency of the European Commission’s Youth in Action Programme. The week-long transnational training course entitled, ‘LICK (language integrated content kit) – Capacity Building in Employability & Entrepreneurship’ had representatives from Spain, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, France, Italy and the UK.
The 7-day programme comprised an action-packed agenda of activities based on non-formal education. They were officially welcomed to Yorkshire by the Lord Mayor of York, Councillor Julie Gunnell and the Sheriff of York and took afternoon tea in The Mansion House.
They benefited from a visit to the Merchant Adventurers Hall in the city and an historical tour linked to the theme of the training conducted by Captain Stephen Upright. The rest of the week provided a cornucopia of relevant and meaningful workshops to help the participants with both their local and international youth work.
Tsvetina Zaharlieva, lead trainer for Wild Cherry, explained, ‘the methods we use with our LICK concept are ones that incorporate all learning styles and in doing so the learning potential of the individual is maximised in every way possible. We are delighted to be hosting our training courses in Yorkshire and promoting what is arguably the most beautiful part of the entire UK’.
Wild Cherry’s well-established international training team are not only members of the Youth in Action national trainers’ pools of the UK and Bulgaria, but also highly skilled EFL and ESOL tutors.
They offer a package of non-formal education that comprises the integration of language and communication skills with a priority topic to empower the learners with the tools and knowledge that will enable them to work more effectively with young people on both a local and international level.
This style of learning allows them to develop their skills and competences in new ways, acquiring recognition through Youth Pass to evidence their learning journey and achievements.
For more information about our UK-based and trans-national activities contact: and visit our website:
Inspire Empower Achieve
This project was funded with support from the European Commission and British Council. reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission and British Council cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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