Divali Comes To East Yorkshire – WI Style

On Saturday the East Yorkshire Federation of the Women’s Institute held a Spice and Saris Experience in the Tickton Village Hall.

Over 100 members of the WI attended the event, many wearing Indian styled attire.

Ladies taking part learned a little about the Hindu Festival of Divali that commenced on Sunday 3rd November and took part in workshops to create a Divali Diva Lamp, make a Divali card, learn how to make an authentic curry, produce Divali Barfi sweets and not only try on saris but also make beautiful pictures from sari silk scraps. The Hindu story of the Ramayana was told, giving an insight into the traditions connected to Divali.

All enjoyed a variety of Indian curries and accompaniments for lunch in the spirit of celebrating Divali with a special meal.

The event was organised by the Domestic Arts Committee of the East Yorkshire Federation of the WI as their annual fundraiser.

Divali Comes To East Yorkshire - WI Style Divali Comes To East Yorkshire - WI Style Divali Comes To East Yorkshire - WI Style Divali Comes To East Yorkshire - WI Style Divali Comes To East Yorkshire - WI Style Divali Comes To East Yorkshire - WI Style Divali Comes To East Yorkshire - WI Style Divali Comes To East Yorkshire - WI Style

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