Recyclers Show How To Prevent Wasting Food And Money

Recyclers Show How To Prevent Wasting Food And Money

Recycling officers from East Riding of Yorkshire Council are taking the message about preventing food waste and saving money to shoppers at local supermarkets.

The officers will be at Tesco in Driffield from 1.30pm, Monday, 18 November, at Tesco in Beverley, 10am-4pm on Thursday, 21 November, and Morrisons in Brough from 10am on Tuesday, 3 December.

A recent analysis of the waste in the area’s green bins showed that 25 per cent of all the waste was food, and it was going to landfill. This is wasting about £50 of an average family’s monthly budget.

The council has been promoting putting food waste in the brown bin for composting and has given households a free caddy. It also gives away cornstarch bags for wrapping up the food waste. The bags are available from libraries, mobile libraries and most leisure centre in exchange for a voucher in the middle of the rolls.

The analysis highlighted that among the foods consistently thrown away were rice and pasta, often because too much was cooked, and fruit and vegetables.

The officers will be delivering messages about how to plan meals, control portions and use up leftovers by offering recipes.

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