BNI Launch New Chapter In East Yorkshire Region

Business networking group, BNI have launched a new chapter for the Wolds East Yorkshire.

Niri Patel, who is the executive director for Yorkshire addressed a room full of local business people at the Tickton Grange Hotel.

In all there were 22 current members with four new ones signing up to the group who share business with one another.

Meeting each Thursday morning for a breakfast members are given 60 seconds to talk about their business and share with other members who they would like to meet.

BNI whose motto is ‘Givers Gain’ is a word of mouth referral group and welcome new visitors to their meeting.

This week Beverley Business Woman Jenny Fothergill was awarded with the ‘BNI Wolds best 60s’.

Jenny Fothergill who is a is a legal specialist for Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney and Probate won the Oscar that is presented to for passing business to other members on a weekly basis.

Jenny is based in Beverley and visits clients in their own home, offering a free initial appointment and fixed quotes.

Fully qualified and insured, Jenny make it easy to organise those important legal documents, she can be contact by email:

BNI Launch New Chapter In East Yorkshire Region BNI Launch New Chapter In East Yorkshire Region BNI Launch New Chapter In East Yorkshire Region

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