Beverley-based social enterprise, Wild Cherry Training & Education recently brought 2013 to a successful close with the final European training course of the year.
30 youth workers from 10 countries came to Yorkshire to explore the topic of employability and entrepreneurship in the context of European youth work. This was made possible thanks to a generous grant from the British Council, the UK’s National Agency of the European Commission’s Youth in Action Programme. LICK (language integrated content kit) – Capacity Building in Employability & Entrepreneurship’ this time had representatives from Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, The Ukraine, Croatia, Bulgaria and the UK.
Sue Dudill, Director of Training explained,
“all too often participants on trans-national training courses and partnership building activities gravitate towards London and it is our aim to draw people away from the south and introduce them to the ‘real England.”
“On discovering Yorkshire they experience a sense of true immersion in the British culture and embrace it wholeheartedly, often leaving them with a hint of a Yorkshire accent which is a great bonus!”
Wild Cherry’s LICK training team is now taking their unique brand of training to other countries in 2014 and looking forward to building on the successes of the last year of the Youth in Action Programme acquired in the UK.
As the programme draws to a close after 7 years of effective European youth work in non-formal education, 2014 sees the launch of Erasmus + and even more great opportunities for young people and for those who support them as they mobilise, cooperate and reform.
If you are an experienced youth leader or project manager and would like to kick-start your international youth work by taking part in a fully-funded partnership building activity in York from the 11th to the 12th February 2014 or, simply for more information about our UK-based and trans-national activities, contact Sue Dudill at: and visit our website:
Inspire Empower Achieve
This project was funded with support from the European Commission and British Council. reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission and British Council cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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