Save Our Setts : More Misery For Locals As Historic Setts Are Ripped Up

Shoppers in Beverley looked on in shock today as the historic Setts in Saturday Market were ripped out by a mechanical digger.

Local Historian Barbara English watched in horror as the bucket of the machine scraped and pulled at the Setts they have been trying so desperately hard to protect.

She was not alone as people stopped to look on as the stones were pulled from the road.

Save Our Setts : More Misery For Locals As Historic Setts Are Ripped Up

Save Our Setts : More Misery For Locals As Historic Setts Are Ripped Up Save Our Setts : More Misery For Locals As Historic Setts Are Ripped Up Save Our Setts : More Misery For Locals As Historic Setts Are Ripped Up Save Our Setts : More Misery For Locals As Historic Setts Are Ripped Up


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This article has 4 Comments

  1. I’ve lived I’m beverley all my life and I feel that the council have made a massive mistake removing the setts! Our town will end up like any other town and it’s charm and character will be destroyed because some mindless bafoon decides they will make it all trendy and Parisian! What ashame, I am so upset! How dare the council take advice on changing Beverley from such people as Irene Charis who has no idea what Beverley’s communities and culture were like in the days of the ship yard and Melrose Tannery! Why on earth would she care a hoot with regard to preserving our heritage?

  2. But wasn’t it agreed last time that’s the way to pick them up, apparently they’re hard as granite and can then be cleaned ready to be relaid within the next few weeks

  3. You just done the work and ther is nothing rong whit it so why dig some that is ok up agen

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