Local artist, Nick Matson has been spotted on the streets of Beverley by many passers-by sketching local beauty spots.
People stop to talk to Nick about his work and local businessman, Chris Brown from cba Accountants on Lairgate liked the illustrations so much he bought four street scenes to hang in the office.
Chris Brown says:
“The paintings are so unique with each one different from another. Even though some show the same building, depending on the weather, the light in each painting highlights a different aspect.”
“Nick has a special talent and is able to sketch and paint a scene in just a couple of hours. Local artistry like this should be celebrated and now my staff and clients can enjoy it every day in our office. In addition, Nick has now also produced similar artwork for us to use to promote our firm at Hull FC.”
Nick Matson says:
“Painting has always been my passion and mixing it with the social angle, chatting to people whilst I work is so enjoyable. I can work with any paints and materials but watercolours allow me to work quickly and I can get a couple of paintings done in an afternoon.”
“Chris saw me at work during his lunch break and came over to see what I was doing. He bought one on the spot and ordered three more that depict the journey through the town centre.”
“I find that local people like to see a painting in the making, it comes to life in front of their eyes whilst we are talking.”
To view images please visit www.beverleytownart.wordpress.com