Wild Cherry Hits The Road Running In 2014

Wild Cherry Hits The Road Running In 2014

Wild Cherry Hits The Road Running In 2014

29 youth workers from 10 countries came to Yorkshire recently to tackle the hot topic of working with socially excluded young people, thanks to a generous grant from the British Council, the UK’s National Agency of the European Commission’s Youth in Action Programme.

Representatives from Sweden, Spain, Germany, Italy, Estonia, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and the UK, all benefited from a week with Beverley-based social enterprise, Wild Cherry Training & Education, as they kick-started 2014 with another LICK (language integrated content kit) training course for European youth workers.

Sue Dudill, Director of Training explained,

“Our LICK training team is now taking its unique brand to other countries in 2014 through the new Erasmus+ youth programme and looking forward to building on the successes of everything we achieved through its predecessor, Youth in Action.”

“Through this new stream of funding even more great opportunities will be available for young people and for those who support them as together they mobilise, cooperate and reform. In April some of our team are heading out to Puente Genil in Andalusia, Spain and plans are now being put into place to deliver in Croatia in the autumn.”

Cross sectorial working features highly in Key Action 2 of the new programme and, working in cooperation with the British Council, it is our aim to be the market leader in adult education in this area of Yorkshire. A more forward thinking approach is required with non-formal education being a serious contender to help to improve the skills and experience of our much maligned young people.

For more information about Wild Cherry Training & Education contact:


website: www.wildcherry.org.uk

Inspire Empower Achieve

This project was funded with support from the European Commission and British Council.

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