Longcroft Sixth Form One Of The Best In Yorkshire

Longcroft Sixth Form One Of The Best In Yorkshire

Longcroft School is celebrating after the Department for Education published its performance measures for A-Level results, having finished 7th out of 351 providers of A-Levels in the Yorkshire and Humber Region on the Progress measure which evaluates the progress made between statistical expectation and actual outcome.

Deputy Headteacher Andy Baker explained:

“Targets are set for students based on prior attainment, and shared with colleagues, students and their parents. The targets are based on national data and have a degree of challenge; consequently we are delighted that in so many cases they have been exceeded, reflecting and rewarding the tremendous commitment of everyone involved. We encourage students to see their targets as a challenge but not a ceiling, and while every year many exceed them this year’s results are outstanding.”

Longcroft’s recent OfSTED report described the Sixth Form, where students have the opportunity to choose from over 30 A-Level subjects from the traditional English Literature, Maths and Sciences to Media Studies, Politics and Psychology, as ‘good and improving’ and these results certainly bear out this judgement. New subjects such as Philosophy and Health and Social Care are popular and this year Longcroft has expanded its offer to include Classical Civilisation and Accounting while the Performing Arts, for which the school has become known through its Specialist Status, continues to offer a range of subjects including Dance and Music Technology.

Mr Baker added:

“To be the leading provider in the East Riding is something we are pleased to celebrate, but to have finished 7th in the region and 71st in the country out of over 4000 schools and colleges is exceptional. We are delighted for our students and their families, but also for the town as Beverley deserves to be on the map for all the right reasons.”

Whilst everyone at Longcroft is extremely proud of the students who progress to the country’s top universities, for which the school has a proven track record, success is about every young person earning grades that will be of value to them in the future.

Longcroft’s students certainly have every opportunity to do so and staff and parents are extremely proud of them all.

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