Working in partnership with the English Football Association, Tesco provide high quality, professional football coaching to 5-11 year olds throughout England.
This week’s half term sessions at Longcroft School were a great success with over 60 children enjoying the free and fun football.
Tesco’s local Beverley store added further support by providing fruit and drinks for the children to enjoy. Dave Ryley, the store’s Community Champion, said that he was pleased to support the event as it was a great way to promote the ‘five a day’ healthy eating message.
The FA Tesco Skills coaches run after school FA Skill Centres during term time at Longcroft School where children will be given expert and age appropriate coaching through both sessions and matches in a fun, safe and developmental environment.
Mondays 4:00 – 6:00pm Ages 5 – 7 years: £3 per week.
Mondays 6:00 – 7:00pm Ages 8 – 11 years: £1.50 per week.
The sessions are open to children of all abilities and experience. Places are paid for and booked in advance in term blocks; however the first session can be tried as a free taster by contacting Samantha Lee on 07931126725.
For more information on the programme visit