Conversations Brits Avoid

Conversations Brits Avoid

There are many conversations us Brits tend to try and avoid. One of them involves introducing the subject, with a parent for example, on how to start making a Will and what you should be putting in it. It isn’t just the topic of the Will that is difficult to talk about, but the things in there, such as money can also be hard to talk about. Saga Legal Services offer some great tips on how to discuss these things with a parents.

These five tips can help you broach the topic with a bit more ease, ensuring a positive outcome for everyone.

  • The topic of making a Will is never going to be an easy topic to bring up in front of loved ones, and the thought of making them upset or offending them can make you not want to bring it up at all. Putting it off because of these reasons is always going to make it harder to be able to talk about the topic at any point. Make sure when you do bring it up that you have plenty of time to discuss it as it isn’t just a short conversation to be had. Ensuring you have put the time aside also shows you have thought about it for some time.
  • Make sure you have researched it all before you bring up the topic so they can see you have thought about it a lot already and are going to them for advice. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Having a list of the topics you want to talk about will help you to remember what it is you are wanting to talk about.
  • Listen: All conversations are a two way street. You both need to listen to each other. Although you are the one that brings up the topic, it is important that you also listen to them as well as them listening to you.
  • There is a time and a place to have these kind of conversations and often we don’t pick and choose the best time, meaning we get wound up and blurt it out at a time when it probably isn’t best. Make sure you are in a clam state of mind before you bring up the topic as it allows you to secure a happier resolution.
  • Expressing yourself in a way that you want too is important. Think carefully about how you want to phrase your comments and the subjects you want to talk about. It is important to understand what it is you want to discuss.

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