Tesco’s Beverley Store Supports Fairtrade Fortnight

Tesco’s Beverley Store Supports Fairtrade Fortnight

Tesco Beverley were pleased to welcome the Beverley Fairtrade Group to our store on Wednesday 26th February to raise awareness of Fairtrade Fortnight, taking place this year from 24th February to 9th March.

Tesco Community Champion David Ryley was joined by John Turner, Chairman of the Beverley Fairtrade Group, to highlight the range of Fairtrade products available in the store. With this year’s campaign focusing on bananas, Dave and John joined in by wearing suitable attire for the event!

John said;

“’We are very pleased and grateful for the support and co-operation from Beverley Tesco’s Community Champion, David Ryley, for allowing us to promote Fairtrade Fortnight in the store. It is a great opportunity to put the message across to a wide variety of people.’”

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