Minster and Woodmansey Councillor David Elvidge is about to start his second term as Chair of the Beverley and Rural Community Partnership.
The partnership can be thought of as a place where the Council acts as a ‘broker’ or intermediary between all public services to deliver results for residents. Meetings are regularly attended by Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue, the NHS and Voluntary/Third Sector Organisations.
Just as importantly residents and other agencies, including Longcroft School, also attend the meetings to give their input.
Councillor Elvidge said:
“I personally believe our best asset is that we have created an atmosphere where key groups can come together and do real joined up working, sharing best practice and resources, to deal with issues that matter to the public”
Fellow Ward Councillor Dominic Peacock added:
“I have always found it most beneficial to attend the CP meetings, having all these groups’ representatives in one room means quick responses can lead to quick results”
Below are some examples of the partnerships key initiatives’:
• Support community initiatives
• Community safety – promote home security to reduce dwelling burglaries
• Improve emergency preparedness
• Reduce ASB and crime prevention
• Promote youth volunteering opportunities
• Improve heart health awareness through Beverley Heart Town
Minster and Woodmansey Ward Councillor, Kerri Harold, said:
“I have always fully supported the ethos of the Community Partnerships. They are a fantastic example of what can be done when all parties talk to each other and problem solve together. We are lucky in Beverley; we have a very proactive CP that has many achievements under its belt that have benefited our residents”
The next meeting of the Beverley and Rural Community Partnership will be at 10.00am on Thursday 13 March at Beverley Fire Station. Any residents who would like to attend are more than welcome to do so. For further information please contact Cllr Elvidge by emailing councillor.elvidge@eastriding.gov.uk