Longcroft School’s Achievement For All Club Celebrates Success With Pancakes And Guests

Longcroft School’s Achievement For All Club Celebrates Success With Pancakes And Guests

Students taking part in an innovative national scheme, prepared a Shrove Tuesday breakfast for their teachers and classmates at Longcroft School.

The Achievement for All initiative is designed to encourage the development of personal skills and characteristic that will enable selected students to achieve their best and participate fully in school life.

As part of this, Longcroft runs a Breakfast Club, with food donated from the Beverley branch of Morrisons, with equipment, such as a kettle and toasters, gifted by Tesco. However, things took a different twist on 4th March, with the tradition of pancakes being served on Shrove Tuesday and guests invited to join students for breakfast.

Mrs Liz Hutton, Personalised Learning Manager at the school, explained:

“We have rolled this programme out to about 40 students in Years 7 and 8. The Achievement for All Club provides resources and support to meet the needs of the young people involved, with the aim of raising their confidence, attainment and aspirations.”

“The Breakfast Club aspect of the scheme offers them the opportunity to not only start the day with a healthy breakfast, but to also meet and socialise with other students and members of staff to talk through any worries or concerns they may have about the day ahead.”

Molly Kirkby (12), said: “I really enjoy starting the day this way – it really helps me settle into the school day and makes sure I’m ready for my first lesson.”

Tasha Beale (12) added: “We are able to support each other and we’ve made strong friendships. It’s nice to talk to people before the start of the school day and it is something I really value.”

Of Pancake Day itself, Tia Lovell (12) explained: “We wanted to invite teachers and friends in to show them what Achievement for All is about. We served them pancakes with sugar or lemon and cups of tea or coffee. I think we were good hosts and we made a special effort to make them feel welcome.”

Parent reactions to the project have been very positive. Mrs Sheriden Hutchinson-Jones, Assistant Headteacher, thinks it’s important that parents remain supportive of such projects. She said:

“The feedback we’ve had has been amazing, ranging from parents wishing there had been something like this when they were at school, to them seeing how the confidence of their children has grown simply by having the opportunity of talking to friends over a piece of toast. By working with the students and listening to how they would like the Achievement for All Club develop, we hope that this scheme will continue to prove successful. We couldn’t do it without the support of parents, so we would like to thank them all for their kind words and encouragement.”

Focusing back to the special pancake breakfast, Molly Kirby added: “It was lovely to do something different today and let people know about Achievement for All and how it’s really helped us.”

If any shops or businesses would like to support the group with donations of food to help the club continue to thrive, please call 01482 862171 and ask to speak to Mrs Hutton or email school@longcroft.eriding.net for the attention to the Achievement for All Club.

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