George McManus Criticises MP Who Is Sleeping Rough To Help Young People

George McManus Criticises MP Who Is Sleeping Rough To Help Young People

Labour’s George McManus has criticised who will sleep rough and raise money for vulnerable young calling him ‘shameless’.

This will be the first SASH Sleepout in the East Riding and Graham says he is delighted to be taking part in this fantastic event. Anyone can get involved in the Sleepout and the MP urging others to join them at the Beverley Minster 29th March.

McManus tweeted;

‘Your hide must be thicker than a Rhino so you won’t feel the cold sleeping rough. Patronising and shameless.’

McManus who is a member of Beverley and Holderness Labour Party hit the headlines when he set fire to petition outside County Hall in a final attempt to protect any hope of reinstating railway that was all but quashed by .

Maybe he could take Graham up on his offer and get himself down to the Minster and spend a night sleeping rough as opposed to ‘heckling someone on Twitter’ who is trying to support local charity.

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Private Fostering Awareness In The East Riding Of Yorkshire

Nightstop is service for young people facing homelessness and to date Graham has collected over £100 for the charity, anyone wishing a donation can do so by clicking here;

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This article has 2 Comments

  1. There must be an election coming up. Graham Stuart seems more interested in his Facebook campaign ‘Stop the din from Dong’ I wish we could stop the din from this particular Tory Dong.

  2. The poor adults like ‘Kenny’ have been sleeping out for years and are to be seen on the benches near Tesco every day by all and sundry. It’s appalling that nothing has been done to help these people. Nobody but nobody, would ever chose a life like this and there but for the grace of God go all of us. The welfare system is now here to trip people up and not to help them and safe the politicians money that is for sure. Cut the system and then you have to cut how much we pay out for it all instead of creaming it off to save the wealthy bankers!

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