Presentation of Honorary Freeman and Mayoral Boards

Presentation of Honorary Freeman and Mayoral Boards

On Saturday 5th April Alderman Harry Flynn held a reception at the Beverley Town Council Offices in order to present two new boards of honour.

These were to list the Mayors of the town since 1999 and the Honorary Freemen, of which Harry is one. Each board is dedicated to his daughter Sheilagh Suzanna, who passed away two years ago. The reception was attended by Mr Flynn’s fiancée Mavis and family, Beverley Town Councillors and the Town Clerk.

Mr Flynn gave a short speech full of his typical humour and warmth.

The Mayor of Beverley, Cllr Martin Cox said;

“He was delighted to receive the boards on behalf of Beverley Town Council and thanked Harry for both his generosity and his many years of service to the town.”

Mr Flynn said;

“Beverley’s interests are best served regarding the town inhabitants as a civil entity, comprising of those in authority, who serve us and those who elect them to do this responsible duty. Perhaps for a happy two way partnership, we should not always be looking at what the council can give us, but for what we can do and give in return.”

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