On Friday and students at the Defence School of Transport wore their football shirts with pride in aid of the Bobby Moore Fund.
The fund was established in 1993 by Stephanie Moore MBE in partnership with Cancer Research UK, in memory of Stephanie’s late husband, legendary footballer Bobby Moore, who sadly died from bowel cancer at the age of 51. Since 1993 the Bobby Moore Fund has raised over £20 million.
COS, Lt Col Mark Gore said “This is a fantastic charity and all at DST are proud to support its efforts to eradicate this terrible disease forever.”
The fundraising event was proposed by Miss Lorraine Slade from the Quartermasters Department, Lorraine said “I originally started this as a small department fundraiser but the idea quickly grew into a school wide event. I want to thank all who have contributed in raising awareness and funds for a worthy charity.”
Donations are still being made but at the last count DST personnel had raised nearly £600 for the Bobby Moore Fund.
Photos by Mr Mike Fairfoot