After many years of putting up with an ever increasing road subsidence problem, an end is in sight for residents of St John’s Close, Beverley. East Riding Council has announced that works to rebuild the road are to commence in mid-June 2014.
The residents enlisted the help of Cllr Dominic Peacock, their local ward Member, to try and get the works prioritised with the Council but suffered delays and knock-backs for years. As the condition of the road got progressively worse Cllr Peacock held repeated meetings with Officers to try and find a solution.
Cllr Peacock said:
“When I first saw the extent of the subsidence back in 2012 it was pointed out to me that the road had in fact subsided between speed bumps that had been laid. Along with the residents I have now been pushing for the works ever since. I must add that resides had already been talking to officers since 2009 at least so this really is a longstanding problem. I am very pleased that work is now going to be completed”
Mr Geoff Donkin, a resident of St John’s Close, said:
“St John’s Close has been in a poor state of repair since my family moved here in 1998, with a number of humps and dips along its length due to unexplained problems with the structure of the road; delivery drivers and other visitors to our home regularly comment on the height of our speed bumps!
I brought the problem to Cllr Peacock’s attention in late 2012 and he’s been trying to get repairs higher on the Council’s priority list ever since with some regular reminders from me and other neighbours, most recently in the form of a petition signed by all residents of the Close”
The news of the plans to fix the underlying problems and properly resurface the road are just starting to come to residents attention and it’s fair to say the news has been warmly welcomed.
Cllr Peacock also said:
“I have been happy to help these residents but I want to know of any other similar problems with the road surfaces within Minster and Woodmansey Ward. The main roads and streets are all in the work programme already to be eventually dealt with but it is the adopted side roads and cul de sacs that I am keen to hear about and will do what I can to assist residents”
PHOTO: Phillip Swales, Roger Keene and Cllr Peakcock