Local MP Urges People To Log On To ‘FixMyStreet’ Says MP

Graham Stuart

Member of Parliament for Beverley and Holderness, Graham Stuart is encouraging his constituents to use a website called ‘FixMyStreet’ to alert the Council to faults they need to fix.

On the website people can register problems the Council needs know about, such as potholes, broken street lights and signs. The report is then sent to the Council for action to resolve the issue.

Commenting on the site, Graham said, “Many people notice things in their area the Council needs to fix; like pot holes, broken street lights, uneven paving, fly tipping and graffiti, but don’t always know the best way to report them. The Council has lots of departments and it can be unclear which one to contact.

“This website gives a single place to register all council-related problems, taking the hassle out of filing the reports. FixMyStreet enables residents to monitor the progress of a problem and they can publish their own updates about how exactly the issue is being resolved.”

“It’s also mobile phone friendly with both an iphone and android App so pictures can be uploaded and problems reported immediately without the need to get to a computer.”

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