MP Welcomes New Rules To Bring A Fairer Deal For Pub Landlords In Tied Pubs

Graham Stuart

Member of Parliament for Beverley and Holderness, Graham Stuart has welcomed an announcement this week of new rules to make sure that publicans receive a fair deal by pub companies.

Publicans who rent their premises from a pub company or brewery normally have to pay a greater wholesale price for their stock, creating an uneven playing field against freehold pubs that are often given discount prices as they have the ability to shop around.

Commenting about the new rules, Graham said,

“I am delighted that action is being taken to support business owners in tied premises. The higher cost of the buy-in price of the drink is normally off-set by a lower rent, but this is not always the case and tied tenants have often found themselves in a lose – lose situation.”

“An independent adjudicator is to be appointed who’ll be responsible for enforcing these new rules and will have the power to apply sanctions on pub companies found to be acting outside of the procedures.

“Pubs play a vital role in our society, sitting at the very heart of our communities and creating jobs for hardworking people. I am proud that the Conservatives in government are standing up for them.”

This article has 1 Comment

  1. How does he think breweries are going to make beer when he’s fracked their water? No water. No local craft ale. After selling out his community to Canadian oil interests, and putting the value of my home at risk, frankly any good will I had for this man is long gone and some Farage friendly beer photo opportunity ain’t gonna redress that fact.

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