Beverley Round Table New Meeting Place

Beverley Round Table New Meeting Place Beverley Round Table New Meeting Place Beverley Round Table New Meeting Place

is opening its doors to new members with two great offers for men in .

The organisation is offering two years’ free membership for men under the age of 26 and six months’ free membership for former or current members of the Armed Forces.

With beer garden weather at its peak and outdoor sport opportunities at a premium, men across Beverley will be looking for a new hobby to keep them busy, which is why

Round Table is giving locals a way to get out and do something different in the evenings. To make it easier for men to find out more about getting involved with their local table, the organisation has a dedicated email address to help with the process. Interested men can email for more information about their local club.

Outgoing chairman Carl Gillyon said:

“We are delighted to offer two extra incentives for local men to boost their social life and make a difference to their community. Returning to work after the summer holidays, men typically look for new social activities as the darker nights put a dampener on any outdoor plans.”

At 28 Lawrence Green is Beverley’s youngest ever chairman and continued:

“Round Table is all about trying new experiences and activities, making new friends and putting something back into the community. With the Tiger inn as our new meeting place we expect to see lots new faces in the upcoming months.”

“We’re welcoming anyone who’s interested in getting involved to go along to their local Table and see what it’s all about, we will be taking part in the Beverley raft race on the 26th July for anyone that wants to come and have a chat.”

To find out more about Beverley Round Table, including how to go along and try an event, email or visit

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