Council Say No To Zebra Crossing Outside Tickton Primary School

Council Say No To Zebra Crossing Outside Tickton Primary School

A report about the request for a zebra crossing outside Tickton Primary School was considered at last Wednesday’s meeting of ERYC Environment and Regeneration Committee.

The item was tabled as a result of campaigning by a Lifestyle Team from the village who spent their summer gathering evidence to show how much a crossing is needed in Tickton.

Jack Marshall, Daniel Ellerington and Ben Voakes collected nearly 700 signatures in favour of the idea and presented their petition to the Council in December 2013.

Councillor Bradley Birmingham, who represents Beverley Rural Ward, has been supporting the boys since early in their campaign. He said:

“The community has come together and given very vocal backing to the request for a crossing to be installed. This is an issue that the Parish Council and the school have been raising for a number of years as parking is a real problem at pick-up and drop-off times and the children currently have no dedicated area to cross safely”

Committee Members considered a report from Council Officers who had, amongst other things, reviewed casualty figures and conducted a seven day traffic survey at the site.

The area was not found to meet the necessary criteria for installation of a zebra crossing so the Officers final recommendation was that dropped kerbs with tactile paving be installed instead.

Cllr Birmingham said:

“It is disappointing that a zebra crossing won’t be installed but the dropped kerb and tactile paving should make things easier for parents and students travelling to and from Tickton school.”

“The Lifestyle boys put many hours of hard work in to this project and should be proud that they have made a difference in their local community”

He added:

“At my request the Committee have agreed to keep the report on file and review the situation if further issues arise circa 6 months after the new measures are installed.”

“I will be personally monitoring the situation and keeping in close contact with the school to see what happens”

The Environment and Regeneration Committee have recommended that the works be completed before the start of the new school term in September.

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