Protesters Raise Concerns After Rathlin Energy UK Apply For planning Extension

Rathlin Energy : Latest News Letter To Be Issued

Rathlin Energy UK is asking for a further two years to complete their test drilling for gas and oil at Crawberry Hill near Walkington, East Riding.

When East Riding of Yorkshire Council gave permission to explore on the 18th September 2014, they imposed a condition that all works should be completed within 24 months from start to finish instead of the usual 36 months.

The specific time limit was “In order that the harm caused to the landscape qualities, and visual amenity is only temporary.” ( Para 9.3.6. Report to Planning Committee 13th September 2012 Report 12/02945/STPLF)

Construction work started on 5th November 2012, thus the site must be cleared and fully restored by 5th November 2014 according to the planning decision.

Rathlin apparently submitted a Screening Notice to East Riding of Yorkshire Council on July 11th ;

“We thought it might be helpful to update you on the latest progress with our work. As you may be aware, our extended well testing operations are now underway at West Newton. At Crawberry Hill, we are currently unable to access our site due to ongoing problems with anti-fracking protestors who seem intent on causing disruption at a site where no fracking is taking place. We are taking steps to address that matter.

“Following unexpected delays to our work, we will be making an application to East Riding of Yorkshire Council to extend our Crawberry Hill planning application for a further 24 months. On July 11th, we submitted a Screening Request in respect of this application to the local authority.”

“The unforeseen requirement for the Environment Agency permits, combined with ongoing access problems caused by the protestors, has delayed us to such an extent that a planning extension request is now inevitable. Had it not been for these unanticipated matters, we would in all likelihoods have completed our latest phase of operations by now.”

On Monday 21st July, Beverley resident and local anti-fracking campaigner Jon Mager contacted the Planning Department to check on the progress of this application. Despite lengthy checks by the Planning officer, no record of Rathlin’s application could be found.

However, it was confirmed that such an application would be routinely dealt with by officers, with no further public consultation or reference back to the elected members of the Planning Committee.

Jon Mager commented;

” It is now urgent to establish exactly what Rathlin has requested. Do they seriously want to drill and test for another two years within the “Wolds Area of High Landscape Value which warrant’s protection” ( Planning report 9.3.1.) on top of an aquifer which supplies water to the East Riding and Hull?”

“Rathlin has already breached planning conditions by failing to follow the agreed traffic management plan. Unlike at West Newton they have not installed security fencing or a security office on site. What are they playing at?”

“There were hundreds of objections to the original planning application. In the last two months there have been packed public meetings in Walkington, Swanland, Beverley, North Newbald and Cherry Burton, all organised by local residents appalled at what is happening.”

Local Walkington resident, Pippa Hockey, who coordinated a recent March by local residents through Beverley said;

“If true this makes a mockery of the planning process. I am astonished they have the cheek to ask for more time. I am sure Walkington residents will share my concern.”

“There must be full pubic consultation. Councilors must be included in the decision making, if not, what are they for?”

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  1. Hi well I am a redden of walkington and Beverley and thay are oley drilling for oil I don’t relly think it a big deal the bludy piling rigs are more bad they will be shaking the under ground but they have to do it to bild on if we don’t have franking sink holes are going to be a lot my often like the one in the Westwood the more thay freak the less sink hole will be ape ring I agree whit it don’t let tramp staying out side the site stop you doing a job and wen it finish put 2 wind teanbine in I love to see more of them can thay put what in the black mill in Beverley or put some on the Westwood Renuabul engine is a good think franking teanbine I defo in

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