Last week, the University of the Third Age (U3A) held a concert in the Beverley Memorial Hall.
The Concert was by the U3A Singers, and the songs were all the popular songs from the beginning of the Great War right through to the end in 1918. The concert was conducted by Ann Dixon, and the Hall was filled.
The previous week a similar concert was held in St Mary’s Hall, Beverley and the Singers Group Treasurer Mrs. J Stothard raised £184 for the Poppy Appeal. Ann Dixon presented the Cheque for £184 to Dominic Peacock the Chairman of the Beverley Branch of the Royal British Legion.
A further collection on Thursday raised an additional £78.87.
Dominic Peacock who has also just taken over as the Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser said;
“This is the first sum raised by anyone in the Branch Area for the 2014 Poppy Appeal which started earlier in July.”
“This gets us off to a good start and is an opportune time to ask the general public if anyone would like to help with this year’s Poppy Appeal, which involves manning various stalls in the Super Markets or collecting during Poppy Fortnight in Beverley Market Locality.”
If anyone wishes to help, please contact Dominic Peacock on 07711 687212.