MPs Open Letter To ERYC As Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal Rages

Graham Stuart

Dear Nigel,

I am contacting you further to the inquiry conducted by Professor Alexis Jay into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013. Her report identifies Pam Allen, who served as Director of Safeguarding at Rotherham Council from 2004 until 2009, and now serves as Head of Children and Young People Support and Safeguarding Services at East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

In light of the multiple devastating failures of child safeguarding documented in Professor Jay’s report, I would be grateful if you could let me know – in a form that can be published – what steps you are taking to investigate Ms Allen’s performance as the responsible council officer in Rotherham. In particular, please keep me informed as to whether you plan to review Ms Allen’s suitability for her current position.

If it is the case that she bears a serious level of responsibility for the situation that was allowed to develop in Rotherham, it is highly doubtful whether Ms Allen should be entrusted with a similar safeguarding role in the East Riding, or indeed in any local authority.

In light of the public interest in the situation, I am making a copy of this letter available to the press.

Yours sincerely,

Graham Stuart MP
House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

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