Rathlin’s Response to the Meetings Held in Bishop Burton and Beverley

Rathlin’s Response to the Meetings Held in Bishop Burton and Beverley

Rathlin Energy UK have issued a response to the public meetings that were in Beverley and Bishop Burton, the statement released by the company who operate the exploration site at Crawberry Hill read;

We are aware that meetings have been arranged to discuss our current application to extend our existing planning consent.

We do not think it appropriate to take part in adversarial debates about our work which is already fully set out in public documents, including our own publicity material. But we do want to address any questions or concerns which may have been raised among our local communities by the constant flow of misinformation being circulated.

1. There is no new planning proposal for which extensive public consultation is necessary or appropriate.

2. The current planning application is no more than a request for a single amendment to the existing consent, to allow for an additional 24 months in which to complete the programme of work which already has approval in every detailed respect. The terms and conditions of the existing planning approval are unchanged (including the prohibition on fracking which Rathlin itself suggested).

3. If the members of the Crawberry Hill Community Liaison Committee wish to convene a meeting Rathlin will, as always, be ready to attend on the well- established basis that this is the proper forum through which information about the company’s work, and local concerns, can be exchanged freely and without reservation. These meetings are not open to the public to ensure that the committee’s business is conducted without disruption from any parties for whom disruption might be a motive for attending.

4. Any Walkington or Bishop Burton resident with queries about Rathlin’s work should address them to their community liaison representatives (contact details can be found here: http://www.rathlin-energy.co.uk/yorkshire/ in the under the ‘Latest Community Liaison Committee Notes’ section). This is the pre-agreed mechanism

5. It seems that outside interests are continuing to spread anxiety and concerns in the local community about Rathlin’s operations at Crawberry Hill (and West Newton). In fact the company is doing exactly what it has always said it was doing, no more, no less – pursuing a programme of conventional exploratory drilling and well testing to help establish whether oil or natural gas is present in permeable, conventional rock formations, and, if so, whether it is potentially commercial.

6. Rathlin will not debate its work with any individuals who have shown, by their behaviour and utterances that they are either unable or unwilling to understand the nature of the organisation’s business, and who are, as a result, misleading some in the local community.

We are not suggesting for one moment that either Rathlin or any of its staff is in any way opposed to peaceful protest – a fundamental right we all enjoy in the UK. However, what has gone on in East Yorkshire in relation to our conventional oil and gas exploration extends far beyond the limits of peaceful protest – misinformation, miscommunication, damage to our property, unlawful occupation of our site, abuse and intimidation of our people and defamation. We don’t accept any obligation to talk to these mischief-makers.

Please don’t forget, we are at the exploratory stage of our operations at the moment. Should our testing prove successful, any future work will be subject to new planning and environmental applications.

We currently have an option for a 25-year lease at Crawberry Hill. We are talking to the relevant people with a view to potentially extending this, but of course it would only apply if we find oil or gas in commercial quantities and if permission is granted for us to proceed to the production phase.

We are planning to hold further meetings for Walkington and Bishop Burton residents only in the future. Once we have agreed the details with the parish councils we will write to all residents to advise when this will take place.

Finally, we understand that the protestors have issued a misleading newsletter using our branding which has served to confuse and upset a number of local residents. This is an unforgiveable act that has, once again, caused unnecessary worry and concern. Please contact us on the number below if you ever unsure as to the authenticity of any written communication you receive carrying our branding.

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