MP Cycling To Save Lives

MP Cycling To Save Lives

Graham Stuart, MP for Beverley and Holderness, is taking to the road on a bike ride around the constituency to promote the installation of Public Access Defibrillators across the area.

The MP will be cycling for two days, beginning in Beverley and heading to North Holderness and then to villages across Mid Holderness and finally in to South West Holderness before returning to Beverley.

Commenting about the ride, Graham said, “If somebody suffers a cardiac arrest it’s vital that a defibrillation machine is with them within four minutes to give them the best chance of survival. To achieve this there has to be a machine close by, with everybody knowing where it is and how to use it.

“I want to see a public access defibrillator in every village in Beverley and Holderness so I’m going on a ride to find out which villages already have one, where it is kept and, if there isn’t a defibrillator – where one could be located.

“The aim of the ride is to not only to find out where more machines are needed but also to let people know where they are in the event of a cardiac arrest.”

Commenting about the campaign, East Riding of Yorkshire Councillor for Mid Holderness Peter Turner said, “It’s brilliant to see Graham being so proactive in his campaign to have public access defibrillators installed across the area. We don’t currently have one in Burstwick although there is one in Burton Pidsea which is over three miles away so wouldn’t be retrievable in under four minutes.

“I hope the ride inspires communities to get together to purchase their own defibrillator.”

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