Beverley St Marys Policing Update For September 2014

Humberside Police
1. Priorities and Actions

Issue: Cycle Thefts

There have been a high number of cycle thefts in Beverley in the past month. These have occurred in several different places, however mainly around Beverley Bus Station, Tesco and Toll Gavel.

Actions taken or to be taken:

In order to try and prevent more cycle thefts occurring, there will be an increase of patrol officers around the targeted areas. However, in order to try and keep your bicycle more secure there are a few preventative techniques in which could be adopted, for example:

Having a good quality D-Lock
Not leaving anything valuable on your bicycle, e.g. bicycle computer
Leaving your bicycle locked in a busy area where there are passing people

2. Priorities and Actions

Issue: Criminal Damage

Criminal damage in Beverley is still remaining a priority with the Neighbourhood Team.

Criminal damage is one crime which is very hard to target, the incidents are very rarely planned, are committed very quickly and unless seen immediately are often unreported for a length of time before owners find their property damaged.

Actions taken or to be taken:

The Neighbourhood Team intends to target these offences and the persons responsible for committing them and as a result of criminal damage continuing to be a problem; officers will be working later shifts and will be patrolling the targeted areas.

Anyone who has any knowledge of any person responsible for the recent incidents of criminal damage in Beverley or any other criminality can report these direct to Humberside Police or through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Update: A gentleman was arrested earlier this month following continuous criminal damage in which he was slashing tyres of vehicles. The gentleman was able to be identified due to high-quality information given from members of the public. The offender has been bailed until 24th September 2014

3. Priority

Issue: Anti-social Behaviour

Anti-social Behaviour has become an issue in and around Beverley.

There are quite a few issues surrounding Beverley Skate Park with a high volume of youths gathering on a daily basis.

A second issue is the Anti-social use of vehicles. This is occurring around Molescroft Park and the Pavilion on Woodhall Way involving dangerous driving of scooters and cars.

A final issue is alcohol related disorder. This is including drunken behaviour, noise disorder and many individuals lingering in shop doorways.

Actions taken or to be taken:

There will be an increase in patrols meaning a higher visibility in the hope to avoid the continuous gathering of individuals.

Officers will be working later shifts in order to be able to respond to any issues immediately and will be targeting the specific areas in which Anti-social Behaviour is occurring. Similarly, Special Constables will be utilised in order to target problem areas and increase police presence.

4. You Said – We Did!

Complaints have been received from members of the public in relation to issues on Toll Gavel, Beverley.

The complaints have related to a male preaching in the Town Centre and using inappropriate words and comments.

This issue has been addressed by the Team and the informants updated with the outcomes which hopefully will provide some reassurance to those using the Town Centre.

If anyone does experience any problems around the Town Centre and the persons using this area to express their views then please feel free to contact the Neighbourhood Team or ERYC for advice.

–Tell us about completed priorities

Crime Prevention:

The priority for crime prevention has been concluded although this does not mean that the work has stopped in this area and officers continue to be tasked to areas of high demand and where we are experiencing high levels of crime and Anti Social Behaviour.

Tell us about offenders brought to justice

A female adult has been charged to appear in the local magistrates court following criminal damage to a dwelling. When officers attended she went on to assault both Constables.

A male adult has been charged to appear in the local magistrates court following an assault causing bodily harm. He later then assaulted a Constable.

An adult male has been charged to appear in court following continuous criminal damage. He has been bailed until 24/09/2014.

A male adult has been charged with criminal damage after stealing and crashing a car. He is to appear in the local magistrates court.

A female adult is to appear in court after being verbally and physically abusive towards police officers.

A male adult has been charged to appear before the local magistrates court following being stopped by an officer and finding he was equipped for stealing.

Two adult males are to appear in court following two separate assaults.

An adult male has been charged following an incident at Beverley Skate Park where the individual was found to have caused criminal damage.

A male adult will appear in court following being charged with shoplifting.

An adult male was seen committing criminal damage and threatening members of the public with a firearm. When arrested, the male was also found in possession of a controlled drug. He has been charged to appear in the local magistrates court for each offence.

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