Blooming Marvellous Award For Beverley Day Centre

Blooming Marvellous Award For Beverley Day Centre Blooming Marvellous Award For Beverley Day Centre

A day centre in Beverley is celebrating after winning a gold award in the Beverley in Bloom competition.

For the last six months, staff and service users at Millers Day Centre on Mill Lane, have worked tirelessly to create a garden on the roof of their building.

Thanks to donations of goods such as old tyres, peat, compost, plants and seeds from local businesses and contributions from members of the public, the roof is now a safe, enclosed space boasting a sensory garden, a fragrant herb garden as well as colourful flowers and plants.

The tomatoes and herbs which have been grown are now being used by the kitchen staff.

John Ireland, team manager at Millers Day Centre, said: “We always hoped to create a garden on the roof and we did start some work about a year ago but it was in April this year when Theresa Bray really got the project going.

“She made sure everyone at Millers who wanted to be involved was and that included some of our more elderly clients as well as those with mild needs and those with very complex needs.”

“The garden is absolutely wonderful and with the lovely weather we’ve had over the summer everyone at Millers has been able to fully enjoy the benefits of having the roof garden.”

“We need to say thank you to all those people and businesses that have helped us with the project – from donating items to financial contributions as we wouldn’t have been able to do it without them.

“We are so pleased to receive the gold award in the Beverley in Bloom competition – its brilliant recognition for the dedication and work the staff and service users have put in.”

Councillor Richard Harrap, said;

“This is a very well deserved award and everyone at Millers should be congratulated on the work they have done.”

“It is a great use of space that otherwise would go unnoticed and it gives the service users and staff a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the outdoors when perhaps it would not be possible.”

“The way the staff have included all the service users, whatever their needs, should be commended too.”

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