Pupils & Staff Add Their Mark To Christian Values Mural

Pupils & Staff Add Their Mark To Christian Values Mural

Local artist Emma Garness is with putting the finishing touches to giant mural at St Mary’s Primary School that represents the six Christian values.

The  dazzling mural is based around the schools quiet area and was created by using images inspired from the pupils own work which has seen a corner of the school transformed.

Head Teacher Lucy Jordan said;

“As a Church of England  primary school everything we do is underpinned by our Christian ethos. Christian values are explicitly taught and children are encouraged to develop spirituality.”

“Our values are; Respect, Friendship, Trust, Wisdom, Endurance and Hope.”

Almost complete the giant work of art was getting some finishing touches, not from the artist but from the children and staff at St Mary’s Primary School.

Pupils along with Mrs Griffin wasted no time in rolling up their sleeves and dipping their hands into the paint adding a their very own mark of hope and community with either a hand or finger print.

Emma who has a child has spent the past two weeks working on the project. Her work replaced a painting that showed a Rainbow and Noah’s Ark.

She said she has really enjoyed working on the mural and judging by the faces of the pupils they also enjoyed adding their mark to a striking bit of work.

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