Rathlin Energy Granted 18 Month Extension By East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Rathlin Energy

East Riding of Yorkshire Council have granted Rathlin Energy an extension to their planning application which allows them to explore for fossil fuel.

Rathlin Energy who operate a site in Walkington arrived at County Hall looking for 2 year extension and despite opposition from sections of the local community left with an 18 month extension.

In the meeting John Mager, who spoke against the planning application and David Montagu-Smith of Rathlin Energy spoke in favour of the extension, both men getting five minutes to fight their corner.

However when all was said and done and put the vote of the Planning Committee only one councillor objected to the application.

When the decision was made it was again met by jeers from the public gallery, one lady stood up and said; shame on you

“Some of you will live to regret what you have done this afternoon, disgusting.”

Speaking after the meeting Jon Mager told HU17.net the key issue was not addressed he said;

“The key issue was they didn’t accept the detailed advice from Friends of the Earth Yorkshire which would have required them to do more detailed assessment of the balance of risks especially in terms of climate change and possible risk to aquifer.”

“That is what they should have done, by not adopting the precautionary principle that you don’t act till you have all the information you should have they have taken personal responsibility for any consequences and we will be writing to them for them to understand that.”

It was not all bad news for environmentalists, Rathlin Energy stated they would provide three bird boxes, a comment that was met by jeers from the public gallery.

When asked about the bird boxes Jon said;

“Three bird boxes? From a budget of £7m – I am always pleased to see more birds boxes but there are more up at our house than what David Montagu-Smith  offered today.”

Rathlin Energy released a statement on the decision, it said:

“We are pleased that the planning committee was minded to approve our planning application at Crawberry Hill.”

“However, the shorter timescales given will make it more challenging for us to complete our testing operations for conventional oil and/or gas due to the ongoing disruption from people who are campaigning against fracking at a site where no fracking is taking place.”

“Having made its decision, we now call upon East Riding of Yorkshire Council to do more to help us in dealing with these people so that we can deliver our lawful work in the timeframe it has granted.”

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